Modeling in the Flesh and Screen

 Modeling the hull

After slicing and dicing the hull "shell" in the computer, I had the parts cut and assembled them into a quarter scale model. Modeling is a great way to test the plank shapes and make sure the lines look good in 3D reality. 

The CNC cut parts delivered by CNC Routing & Design in Camden, Maine.

The molds set up and plank-keel attached. The molds are stand ins for the permanent bulkheads that will be set up in the actual boat. The molds are set up using hot glue.

Planking up the model over the molds. The planks (1/8" thick ply) fit well and the lines came out as fair as I could have hoped.
The CIY model with outer stem and gunwales attached. I slightly tweaked the sheer.

Aft view showing a very pretty transom. I also made slight tweaks to the width of the strake below the sheer, but most people would never notice. Not me; I see a line that's a 64th of an inch off!

Once I was assured that the hull aesthetics and plank fits were "right", I proceeded to finish modeling the interior of the hull and, finally, designing the strongback system, no small task. I'll report on this next post and hopefully show some paint on the model, too!

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